Think curing aging is impossible? Think it would be a bad idea? Think again.

In spite of ever-growing evidence to the contrary, and determined outreach by forward-thinking individuals, the majority of the world’s population remain convinced that aging, along with the disease and death it brings, is inevitable - and by extension, that attempts to combat it are unworthy of serious recognition or support.

Over the course of 2023 LEV Foundation has coordinated an effort, conceived by Martin O’Dea and Dr. Aubrey de Grey, to lay that lamentable opinion to rest - and assert instead that an immediate expansion of work to extend healthy lifespans is not only credible, but indeed crucial to the quality of our collective future.

In collaboration with primary author Professor Brian Kennedy, with input and enthusiastic endorsement from iconic researchers and leaders across the field of longevity medicine and allied fields, we are now able to publish the result of that effort - the Dublin Longevity Declaration: Consensus Recommendation to Immediately Expand Research on Extending Healthy Human Lifespans.

The authority of the renowned individuals who have put their names to the Declaration will play a vital part in achieving its principal goal: to drive an urgent, worldwide increase in resources devoted to the control of aging-related disease.

There is a second vital factor, however, in swaying the hearts and minds of those who control budgets for both public and private sources of funding: the extent of public support for that goal.

Thus, whatever your background, we encourage everyone who reads the Declaration and agrees with its message to add your signature, and encourage your friends and colleagues to consider doing the same.

Aging and its consequences affect us all. If you’re not happy about that, this is a unique opportunity to say so!

Click here to download the formal press release. Members of the press/media can find further useful information and contacts on the Declaration’s website.